Personal Training In Melbourne
Are you looking for a personal trainer in Melbourne?
Our expert trainers can help you reach your goals much faster - and we have the results to prove it.
The two most popular packages we offer are Evolve Gold and Evolve Platinum.
On this page we'll show you what you get in these packages and how they'll help you look and feel amazing.
Evolve Gold
• Extensive initial assessment - This is all of the initial data that we collate to understand your situation, history, experiences and goals. We cover lifestyle factors, medical history, current nutrition information, stress, sleep, and digestion, as well as physically assess your posture, take all of your girth measurements and calculate your composition data like body fat, muscle mass, water, and visceral fat.
• Fully customised eating plans - once we have all of the relevant data, we then create the right eating plan to help you achieve your goals, and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Everything is created from scratch and considers your age, weight, height, activity level, metabolic dysfunctions, medical or health obstacles, and goals.
• Fully Customised training programs - We also start from a blank canvas to create custom training programs to get the best, most efficient results possible. We not only look at what exercise will suit your goals best, but also which ones will help you improve your mobility, posture, stability and core strength. We will include all of the functional exercises, drills and stretches to make sure you have a strong, stable and balanced body.
• Full access to our phone app - This is where your measurements, progress photos, training programs, data logs from your workouts, step count, and daily food intake will go. This way we can obtain data on every area of your training and progress, to ensure you are progressing as efficiently and smoothly as possible
• One on One training - You will have one trainer assigned to you throughout your journey. Not only will that trainer create all of your plans and take all of your measurements, but they will take you through weekly one on one training sessions to teach you the technique required to perform each the exercises efficiently and safely, encourage and motivate you to perform at your best every week, and make any adjustments necessary to your programs. You can choose to do 1, 2, or 3 sessions per week.
• 24/7 gym access membership - You will also receive a gym tag to be able to access the gym 24/7. This is so that you can practice your programs, and do the training required to get your goals.
• Composition and measurement assessments - We assess you every 6 weeks. We look at training progress, girth measurements, full composition analysis (including weight, body fat , muscle mass, and muscle mass), training attendance, and make the appropriate changes to your training and eating plans. This way, we can ensure that the plans are working and your body is changing into a fitter and healthier one.
• 24/7 email and phone support - You have total support from your trainer the whole way. You can email or call any time you have any questions or concerns along the way.
Evolve Platinum
• Functional health screening - over 16 forms of questions about key areas in your health that may need addressing or create roadblocks in your progress. We cover analysis of sleep, thyroid, blood sugar, stress, colon, mold exposure, stool analysis, microbiome, bile, estrogen, testosterone, stomach, lifestyle and goals and medical history.
• Bloodwork Screening - we use bloodwork analysis to cross reference the functional health screening forms, and pinpoint which dysfunctions need addressing. We see these dysfunctions as being big hand brakes in your ability to improve your body composition, energy, strength or fitness.
• Pinpoint Meal Plans and Supplementation - We get into fine detail about the exact foods that you should be eating, what foods you should eat at what times, which foods you need to avoid, what vitamins and minerals will benefit you, what lifestyle factors you should include, change, or remove, and the exact ratios of carbs, protein and fats to not only get the best result, but also improve those areas in your health that need it most.
• Postural assessment and correction - We thoroughly examine your posture through static and dynamic postural analysis, as well as use our posture screening tool to precisely measure all variants in every joint in your body. We regularly re-evaluate and re-measure those deviations to see the improvement and make adjustments to your exercises as your posture improves.
• Fully Customised training programs - We also start from a blank canvas to create custom training programs to get the best, most efficient results possible. We not only look at what exercise will suit your goals best, but also which ones will help you improve your mobility, posture, stability and core strength. We will include all of the functional exercises, drills and stretches to make sure you have a strong, stable and balanced body.
• Full access to our phone app - This is where your measurements, progress photos, training programs, data logs from your workouts, step count, and daily food intake will go. This way we can obtain data on every area of your training and progress, to ensure you are progressing as efficiently and smoothly as possible
• One on One training - You will have one trainer assigned to you throughout your journey. Not only will that trainer create all of your plans and take all of your measurements, but they will take you through weekly one on one training sessions to teach you the technique required to perform each the exercises efficiently and safely, encourage and motivate you to perform at your best every week, and make any adjustments necessary to your programs. You can choose to do 1, 2, or 3 sessions per week.
• 24/7 gym access membership - You will also receive a gym tag to be able to access the gym 24/7. This is so that you can practice your programs, and do the training required to get your goals.
• Composition and measurement assessments - We assess you every 6 weeks. We look at training progress, girth measurements, full composition analysis (including weight, body fat , muscle mass, and muscle mass), training attendance, and make the appropriate changes to your training and eating plans. This way, we can ensure that the plans are working and your body is changing into a fitter and healthier one.
• Fortnightly online check ins - You will receive an online check in form emailed to you every fortnight. This is where we get all of the basic information about your training and progress to make sure that you stay on track and achieve the results you want.
• 24/7 email and phone support - You have total support from your trainer the whole way. You can email or call any time you have any questions or concerns along the way.